What's New / Program History / Change log:

  • More recent list of changes from current version of newsviking:

  • changes up to 08-05-04 release:
    8/5/04 adjusted ApacheConfMaker.java to compile an extra batch file for use with starting
    Apache by itself (for win32 where mysql batch isn't needed)

    8/4/04 cleared up very nasty technical bug for status window (java gui thread callback had
    no built-in handling the result was a host of gui and thread related errors).
    Added a second status window to just display the news stories as they download.
    Cleaned up appearance of the nv control center app.

    8/2/04 created c++ application to make starting up and shutting down newsviking cleaner (win32)
    [this was easier than using excelsior jet or other 'native compilers' to make the java
    app look like a windows exe]

    8/1/04 added 'cleanup' button to remove extra carriage returns and spaces from custom articles
    in the FFSE article work area.

    7/31/04 RELEASE MADE *********************************************

    Added more keyboard shortcuts (accelerator keys)
    alt-g (set debugging level)
    alt-s (start date)
    alt-e (end date)
    alt-t (story category)
    alt-o (story rating)
    alt-z (summary table resizer)
    alt-p (populate summary table)

    Added in note to web page about how even usenet is no longer free as g**gle holds copyright over
    archives posts and prevents people from continuing old discussion threads.

    Tweaked the dos batch files to open up less windows and also be minimized. (win32 only)

    Added keyboard shortcuts to read aloud buttons:
    alt-a (add to read aloud queue), alt-r (read aloud), alt-c (clear read aloud queue)

    Fixed problem of screen freezing when news was downloading (implemented background thread with callbacks for the download mechanism).
    Adjusted status windows to autoscroll when text is inserted.
    Fixed missing icon problem for legal disclaimer.
    Fixed bug: prevent duplicate stories from being downloaded and inserted. CheckForExistingStoriesInDB - the teaser is stored as 255 char concatenation. If the actual teaser is > 255 chars it won't find the existing one in the db

    7/25/04 -
    Fixed bug where reload menus destroys ffstorycategory.
    Added app icon (embedded into jar).
    Tested nv against new version of java j2se 1.4.2_05 on a clean winxp test machine. No problems noted.
    Error occurred with new installer because i had removed the apache access.log file.
    inserted a blank access.log into the apache subdir.
    I was able to remove the following from the install ok: apache gifs, scratch html's
    note that phpmyadmin won't start rigth for the user the first time unless they tweak their
    own firewall settings...
    Removed \UniServer3_0\diskw\home\admin\WWW\phpMyAdmin-2.5.5-rc2\documentation.html

    7/24/04 added the FFSE screen tab (Free Form Story Editor). Allows the user to
    manually copy and paste news stories browsed from the web into the newsviking database.

    7/22/04 fix bug in clear button for readaloudqueue. removed netbeans absolute layout class and
    replaced it with the standard absolute layout. (removed org/netbeans sub dir that would have
    been packed in the jar in jarcreate).

    default story category to be on 'any' in story summary tab

    7/13/04 added 'lastdayread' textbox and update button. this is a reminder feature
    where the user can make a note of the last day the read the paper. Works With LastDayRead.txt
    7/12/04 added readaloud queue clear and add, renamed btnspeechreadstory to btnReadAloud
    added daily output summary story titles to text file.
    7/11/04 added 'any' to cbo story category to allow all the day's news to be queried at once.
    added summary table size toggler -

    7/10/04 removed extraneous files from uniserver tree
    [contained text files of no use]
    [contained perl58.dll and perl.exe]
    [all these files and subdirs were perl modules with exception of .\auto which i left]
    [these dynamically created files don't need to be in the installer]

    7/9/04 replaced all instances of hardcoded Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver");
    with Class.forName(msJdbcDriverClass);
    removed msNewDbURl which was not being used.
    added mbHSQL

    private String msDbUsername = "sa"; private String msDbPassword = "";
    Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(msDbUrl, "MySqlNewsvikingU", "MySqlNewsvikingP");

    4/27/04 added audio to end of download to signal download complete

    4/16-20/04 - 04-20-2004 version Released. NewsDownloaderHtml2Text() had to be adjusted to deal with a change at the news
    source in the fullbody html code. removed parameter bExcludeHeadings as it was no longer
    necessary. NewsDownloaderGetHTTPpage() also had to be adjusted to use Recursion in order
    to deal with two-part stories. Also in CheckForExistingRecord() now added speech to ticker
    display of title and teaser in DOS window. Remove splash screen picture from release to save
    space (splash screen may be downloaded seperately at web site).

    4/8/04 adjusted category combobox to put full descr in label and changed code for comparison
    of category short names with category long names.
    & adjusted speech to only read body since it already has the teaser and title in it.
    Packaged the project into a .jar file.

    4/7-8/04 fixed bug that prevented news stories from being downloaded a section at a time without
    having to reboot the program. The bug was in the story array not being reset after each download
    and the count being off.

    3/29/04 - added debug bool & string vars to control debug msgs display (off, brief, verbose).
    added txt file to help config dos window display. added long name function to convert
    story category codes to their long names (used only for basic screen messages, debug code
    still uses the short names.
    3/27/04 - commented out debugging msgs for dos screen and replaced them with a simulated
    news ticker feed to keep people occupied while the data downloads..

    3/22-26/04 03-26-2004 Released. Download code adjusted for broken compatability with news web sites.
    Many other changes:
    adjusted the contents of the basic new search story rating drop down to also include 'any'
    ie: ignore the story rating all together as a query filter - ie: get all the stories
    per the other query filters regardless of the story rating.

    & replace with &
    < replace with <
    > replace with >

    adjusted downloader massaging code to append full version of teaser to story body since
    teaser in database is concatenated with elipses.

    added instructions for use of screen 3 (news article editor screen) to web page

    3/18/04 added instructions for usage of Tab Screen 3 - Article Viewer/Editor
    Added new program usage instructions.
    It shows screenshots of how to use newsviking step-by-step (not yet fully complete as of 3/11/04).

    Incluced speakonia text to speech reader in install to have news stories read aloud.
    many assorted bug fixes for windows 98 and other older versions of windows
    added screen resolution notice for users with screens smaller than 1024x768
    fixed startup and shutdown messages
    completed the following:
    added new icons and shortcuts for windows
    added new startup and shutdown messages

    added delay to startup file to allow proper loading
    adjusted news download code to allow for changes made at the sites of various newspapers which
    was causing some news stories to be skipped
    ascii art added for 'downloads complete' message
    changed summary table populate button to display message box when no records found.
    added code to prevent downloading of previous days that were already downloaded if user selects
    a days-back screen
    added code to compare the story title and teaser with the database to see if the story already
    exists in the db before downloading the story body

    incorporated uniserver_3 to the back end and made all new releases. much smaller in size now.

    added mysql permissions for newsviking and edited code so that newsviking accesses the mysql
    database securely using an internally hidden program username and password.

    added command-line code for activating/deactivating splash screen. this was done
    rather than reading the setting from a file or a db setting table for simplicity.
    Also added debugging msgs for downloading timeouts.

    finished guess groups logic
    added [ ] around inserted comments
    added msg for mysql not running and quit msg

    splash screen.
    ani gif in msgbox disclaimer incomplete...
    yes/no msgbox custom icon complete

    make default max delay 5
    undo disabling of 'start' button and rename 'start to 'download news'
    speech send text to clipboard

    time delay code finished with textboxes to enter time delay for downloading data..

    added checkboxes to select which news category to download
    fixed error of 1 record retvals for summary table

    added disclaimer msgboxes

    added freeform sql search and finished newsgroup posting functionality.

    added functionality for update of story rating, and delete story button functionality
    added field to table for rating each story from 1 lowest to 10 highes 0 unrated
    UPDATE tblnv SET StoryRating=0 [changed the defaults from null to 0(unrated)]
    ALTER TABLE dbnewsviking.tblnv ADD
    StoryRating tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default 0

    bug - if summary table results in only 1 record it won't display and sorter mechanism
    throws an error. if there's no results it should clear the table too..

    example 3 - contained nv3 development up until the news commentary screen which i just got
    to function but was far from complete.... for continuation see the \newsviking3 tree....
    made app screen bigger, cleaned up summary table
  • Jan 2004

  • Massive amount of changes. Easy Windows installer made.
  • Dec 2003

  • Uploaded code to cvs and included two releases which also include the source code. If you already have mysql,php,and apache then just download the smaller release. Also if you prefer to install those on your own then install the smaller newsviking3 package.
  • Oct 2003

  • Uploading the new version piece by piece, in spare time. Please note the current version stopped working recently - this is not the program's fault but due to a change in the news feed itself. This new version corrects that. If you need a copy sooner than i can upload it just email. the program has not been released yet because it is pending some additional functionality. you may request a copy but be aware that the news commentary section is not complete - it will only allow you to read news for now...

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Changelog (up to current minor update release):

  • These changes were made and are available in the update zip file.

    Fix for Nation stories compatability break. You will need this update to get newsviking to function again.
    Fix for web compatability break. You will need this update to get newsviking to function again.
    Fix for web compatability break. You will need this update to get newsviking to function again.
    Made Last-Day-Read box wider with block cursor to type longer notes.

    Added support for multiple command line arguments. added secret key to skip legal disclaimer popup to speed up startup.

    Fix for web compatability break. You will need this update to get newsviking to function again.
    Fix for web compatability break. You will need this update to get newsviking to function again.
    added scratch backup. a random number from 0-9 is appended to the scratch file backup name.
    'download news from..' label above cat selector moved up a little
    adjusted story category description to also display 'any'
    9/11/04 changes made in past days. adjusted category selector boxes to have more space.
    adjusted regex per compatability break at news source.

    created right click menu for ffse for cut copy paste. seperated block cursor class into public
    file because it was being reused twice (shared between newsviking.java and txtboxWithRclickMenu.java
    updated files rc. bat c.bat jarcreate.bat newsviking etc
    removed digest creation tag to preserve space and moved controls to main screen.
    adjusted ffse to prevent news stories form being added with category 'any'.
    8/21/04 added backup database to nv control center. updated batchfile associated with that.
    moved last day read field to edit & insert commentary tab. [the the right of the read aloud queue clear button]
    partly fixed: adjust it so that highlighted story is moved to top of table list when size toggler is retoggled

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Changelog (not yet released):

  • These changes will appear on the next up and coming release.

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